'DECAY' - Exhibition at the first Sino-German week of cultural exchange, Hejin, China. 100 + 12 (framed) Photographs 4.0 x 1.9m 2018
'DECAY' Solo-Exhibition at the Jingang Longwan Hotel, Hejin as part of the first Sino - German week of cultural exchange in Hejin, China. The exhibition showed 50 + 12 (framed) photographs from my 'DECAY' - book (2015) as well as 50 images, as part of my currently ongoing practice in China (early draft). China currently finds itself in a state of constant re-invention; increasingly influenced by globalisation, China thrives for improvement, creating a shining curtain of (oftentimes unintentionally ironical) adaptations of western cultures. Looking back at my 'DECAY' project, showing ruins of the former GDR, left behind by its former citizens after the fall of the Berlin Wall, China presents its visitor with a similar image of change and loss and search for one's own identity.